John Bibish IV, Cary Cooper, Stephen Hartman, Tom Palmer, Tom Puffenberger, Kate Sandretto, Pete Silverman, Sarah Skow and Lou Tosi invite you to
The Burden of Proof Fundraiser for Joe McNamara
When: July 17, 2018 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Where: The Toledo Club, 235 14th Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604
$100 Suggested Ticket Price
Sponsorships are greatly appreciated. The levels are:
Preponderance of the Evidence $250
Clear and Convincing $500
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt $1,000*
You can purchase your ticket or sponsorship online here:
*Please note the maximum an individual can contribute in this campaign is $600. The maximum an organization can contribute is $3,800.