Anthony Wayne/MAUMEE Area Democratic Club
President - Shelly Hayes
Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:30 pm at Waterville Library Branch, 800 Michigan Ave., Waterville
Democratic Business and Professional Women's CLUB
President - Frances Amison
Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month, 5:30pm at Mott Library on Dorr St
Democratic feminist alliance
President - Debbie Schwartz
Meets 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:00 pm via Zoom
Democratic Women In Action
President - Essie Wiggins
Meets 1st Tuesday of the month, 5:30 pm at Reynolds Corner Library (In recess during January & February, will reconvene in March)
LUCAS COUNTY Hispanic Latino Democratic Caucus
President - Ursula Barrera-Richards
Contact Linda Alvarado-Arce for details at for more information.
Lucas county young democrats
President - Colin Flanagan
Meets 2nd Thursday of the month 7:30pm. Contact for more information.
oregon democratic club
President - Bob Lynn Jr.
Meets 1st Thursday of the month (except July), 8pm at Senior Center (4350 Navarre Ave)
South toledo democratic club
President - John Irish
Meets last Tuesday of the month, except for June, July, November & December - Check Facebook Page or Contact LCDP Headquarters
sylvania Area democratic club
President - Nancy Larson
Monthly Meetings - 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 pm, Sylvania Branch Library